Floating Photovoltaic Systems

The patented system "flotovoltaico" was designed to maximize the production of electricity from solar power using floating solar panels. Thanks to the nearness of the water surface, and to the light reflection, the production of the floating photovoltaic system is increased of about the 10-20%.
We have designed a strong structure made by Stainless Steel (INOX AISI 304), that can hold 4 photovoltaic panels of different dimension. Adjustable in tilt and dimension.
The system is modular, which mean that many structures can be joined together to compose very large isles. In the picture above, the first floating photovoltaic plant we built that is composed by 5 isles of 100kw each (500kw).
The floats used are made by HDPE, and grant a floating capacity of more than 350 kg/sqm.
Some examples of Floating Photovoltaic Plants Realized
The better production is due to the absorption of a greater amount of light reflected from the water.
The superior performance, compared to a plant of the same size installed on ground, is obtained due to the proximity of the water surface, which helps to cool the panels in the moments of maximum production (and higher temperatures), increasing efficiency.
Installing a floating photovoltaic system, is a way to reduce the evaporation of water. We have shown that, the coverage of the water surface help to significantly reduce the evaporation of more than 80%.
If you are interested in our system pleas contact us.